Oversampling rate in J River

I have a W4S Dac 2 that I am using with my laptop. I am having a ball downloading hi res music and ripping CDs. Sounds great, lots of fun and boy do I love the convenience. Also have solid state Mac and a pair of B&W 803Ss.

I have been fooling around with different DSP settings and have found virtually very little change or change that I care for...Until this weekend when I changed the oversampling from none to 192,000. Wow. Quantum leap. More presence, detail and what many in these forums would call involvement.

What happened? is this normal? PC audio is fairly new to me. Looking for advice/input from those who know.

"There are other ways to make your W4S sound a LOT better without upsampling."

Pray, tell . . .


I used the settings published by W4S for the DAC for J River. I am using Media center 16 and had it set on no oversampling. I am using Kernel Streaming, as recommended by W4S. I had no other DSP settings in use.

of course, I have the W4S driver selected in the setup which I thought bypassed all the sound drivers in Windows Vista. Have I missed something?


If there are ways with my current setup to improve the sound, I am all ears and would be very appreciative. If it requires me buying an Off Ramp,then not so much.
Luckily Steve is always forthcoming about being in the business, and of course he'll tell you that his product will help; how else would he stay in busniess?

I read through W4S's J River setup guide and they hit all the important spots. Your setup is solid, and I'm sure you'll get plenty of enjoyment from the DAC as-is. More to Steve's point: sometimes the "all-in-one" solution isn't the best. For PC audio this becomes especially true, given everything that happens from the moment you press Play on the file, to the moment it reaches the analog outputs of your DAC. I cuurently use a modified M2Tech Hiface that runs "off-grid" on battery power. You would not believe the improvements this made in my system. To each their own, and I'm never one to push people to buy more gear; I'm just telling you my findings.

Just remember: You can NEVER recreate the music that has been destroyed during the recording, downconversion, or complression process. You may hear a "difference" when upsampling, but you're not really improving the source material.

Since your hapiness is really all that should be important, I say upsample away, you're not hurting anything.
Thanks. No knock on Steve's product. I'm sure it has added value.

Thanks to everyone. Will continue the journey.
One thing to understand is that the USB interface, and in particular, the master clocks, is the MOST IMPORTANT thing in a USB digital computer audio system. More important than the DAC itself. More important than the sample-rate that you are playing back.

To prove this to you here are some anecdotes:


Latest issue of TAS, Steven Stones review of the iDAC

Steve N.
Empirical Audio