Where to find uni din protractor

Hi all, anyone has any idea where to purchse Uni Din
protractors for not too much coin?
Tawa, I am stunned by your reaction even more so with your
inscrutable logic. You started this thread with the question
where you can buy Uni din protractor.
My advice was to buy the Mint protractor. I own 3 of those
for each tonearm that I use. I got those before Uni Din
protracor existed. I don't own Uni Din protractor and could
consequently not recommend one. But I explained why
the Mint tractor and even requested John to explain the
differences between the spindle dimensions .I am glad that
I deed because his contribution was, as usual, very informative.
Who would then expect that you would join the choir of In-
shore and Unoear lamentation about Dertonarm? Both of them
had nothing to say about any tractor whatever but joined
your thread only with the intention to incriminate Dertonarm.
Their own 'level'can be seen from their 'contribution' to
your thread. In-shore with his 'there is a canal out front
of your building' (01-14)illustrate in what kind of company
you prefer to belong.
I made not one single statement about any of Dertonarm's
products nor deed I advesed anyone to buy any.
But I need to say to be proud to be his friend. He is the
most eloquent person that I have ever meet while his designs
speak for them self. One of the best turntables ever, the
amps (one of which Unoer bought)and recently the most
innovative headshell the Arcehe,the best tractor ever ,one
of the best tonearms and one of the best MC carts. I own the
Arche and the Archon. Those are his merits and those are
the 'things' in which we are interested in this forum.
What the merits are of In-shore and Unoer you should enumerate.

I used to buy mintLp whenever I changed tonearm . Recently 2 of my friends bought Dietrich's Axiom arm & compared the mintlp protractor & UNI Din protector . According to 1 of my friends , after comparing , he much prefer UNI Din protractor . We all thought mintLP with the ultra accurate & fine curve lines with mirror to take care of parallax error will be better . We are wrong
MintLp is an arc protractor, is it not? They're only good if mounting distance is in perfect agreement with the protractor. Best used on factory mounted arms.
Your friend's experience is meaningless to us without specifics. Some people use 2 protractors with the same alignment, to check 1 against the other.

If you know mounting distance anyone can download a free arc protractor at Conrad Hoffman site, or conventional ones at VE. Fancy protractors might be more convenient (I have a Dennesen), but one isn't more accurate than another, if constructed properly, and used properly.
Yes, the wrong west coast (NW) Mike L...the correct west coast (CS) Mike L. is CSL in the thread.

Yah, Mik, not Mike, in the UK has the 3 Sirius lll's and 2 Sirius lls, he's a Rocport dealer and a fan...a starting five of Rockport Turntables :).

Also, UK Mik does have the tonearm figured out; he loves the Koetsu Stone Bodies and Goldmund carts...heavy machines with very robust VTFs...sort of, why Syntax is now a fan of the Koetsu Stone Body carts with the issue-laden axiom.

Unbelievable game, NW Mike :).

aka, ALF
Fleib, meaningless to u its fine. It's not meant for u specifically . Not sure who is US. I m merely posting an experience of 1 person, need not take it as gospel truth . Just investigate it if u like