How can I tell if my stylus is damaged ??

hey folks,
I recently started using a TT, so I am new to the ins-n-outs of this specialized equipment. Unfortunately, I first placed my TT in an area where I accidentally kept hitting the headshell and knocking it to the left, where it would skip/slide over the vinyl itself, like skipping rocks on a pond (doh!)

Just wondering if y'all can help me figure out if I damaged the stylus or not (its a Shibata diamond on an Ortolan 2M Black MM).

Since I have started investing in some nice vinyl (Box Sets, Limited Editions, Beatles Mono, etc), the last thing I want to do is damage the expensive vinyl!!
Any suggestions to help me figure this out? Will I have to send it to a dealer to get confirmation one way or the other?
When properly set-up and used, phono cartridges wear fairly linearly. Think of the way that a set of tires wear.

But that's not what you are asking about. Line contact stylii have sharp edges and in the case of shock the diamond, which is a crystaline structurem, can cleave or break. I have also seen entire stylii come off the cantilever probably due to the adhesive not holding up.

As stated previously the damage would likely be catastrophic and you would know it pretty quickly. If the cantilever is straight, and the cartridge sounds good it is good.

If you are an anal type you can buy a USB microscope for not too much money and have a look yourself or take it to a dealer.
viridian comment right on point. usually the actions you did may damage the record (ie scratch them because diamonds are hard) but usually doesn't harm the stylus unless really whacked it. We all have done exactly what you describe at some point (well atleast most of us).
You KEPT "accidentally" hitting the headshell and knocking the tonearm to the left and the tonearm moved over the record like skipping rocks on a pond? Maybe a TT is not for you. It's a pretty delicate affair. I know this is harsh but I've been playing records for 50 years and I've never done what you describe as a regular occurance.
Thx guys,
A close look at the cantilever with a magnifier shows that it is straight.
Next, I will test how it sounds with the needle in the inner grooves