Vinyl Record Cafe's

The other day I was in the SF Bay Area (Vallejo CA) and walked into a Cafe there called Nathan's and they have a public turntable for people to bring in their own records while sipping coffee or tea.

It was a big hit and everyone loved it.

I got into a discussion with a younger patron who didn't know why it sounded good. What do you tell people who are interested in analog.. why it's better etc?
I would hope that the younger generation who has only listened to MP3s on ipods or computer audio would be able to hear the difference.
In a cafe setting like this where you play an LP for one of these youngsters, the SQ of the music should be evident. You should tell them to sit back and enjoy it.
And definitely don't bore them with tales about the old days of record cutting. :)

It's a cool place.
After a bit of discussion, I told them I have a huge collection of vinyl and they asked if I would bring some things down. So on Thursday, I am going to play 4 albums in their entirety.

Jeff Beck "Blow by Blow"
The Beatles "Revolver"
Stevie Wonder "Fulfillingness' First Finale"
Bob Marley "Rastaman Vibration"

Good way to kick it off?
I prefer to play my records home in my equipment I trust.
I'd rather go live concert than going to cafe and listen to some punk rock on vinyl.