How to transfer LP to iMAC Computer

We have several LP recordings that are not available in CD format. We have an Onkyo turntable (old) and I would like to transfer my LP recordings to iTunes on my iMAC computer. Any suggestions on an easy way to do this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I use some software called Golden Records which works well on a Mac. It's also very inexpensive. I have written a little about it on my website. You can see it at LP to Mac
Hope this helps
I would purchase a USB Phono preamp. Project and NAD both have models for under $200. I have used the Project with my imac.
The bigger issue is what software package to choose. The best news is that they are free; the good news is that they can be unreliable.
I've had great results using a free program called Audacity (There's a bit of a learning curve but nothing insurmountable.). I run my turntable, first to an inexpensive phono preamp that I purchased from a guitar store (around $50) and then out to my iMac via a left/right RCA cords into mini stereo plug cable I got from Radio Shack. I've got 700 or so albums that I'm chipping away at slowly by saving them to iTunes as AIFF files.