Interconnects for Bryston Power & Pre Amp

I am setting up a system that includes a Bryston 4BST amp with a Bryston B25 pre amp. I will be driving Wharfedale Evo 30's with this system. I will be using a Marantz CD player. I also have a Musical Fidelity tube buffer that I will try with the system. I will keep the tube buffer if there is a noticeable positive difference.

I need to obtain interconnects for the system. My plan is to use a balanced connection between the pre and power amp and RCA interconnects between the cd and the tube buffer. I have been looking at the Signal Cable products due to the positive reviews and the moderate price.

Does anyone have suggestions using the Signal Cable in this system or do you have any other suggestions. Please keep in mind I have a moderate budget for the interconnects at this time.

Thanks for your help.
Hello, GHW. Welcome to the 'goN BTW. I am a Bryston owner myself and did some IC fiddling some time back. All low priced stuff. No Valhalla's here!

Signal cable is pretty good. A'gon member Drubrew's stuff is good too. It's made from DH Labs bulk stock I believe. I finally settled on Harmonic Tech Pro-Silway III's. It just works with Bryston Gear. Balanced usually under 300.00.

I strongly recommend them.

I've got a Bryston 4NRB and BP-20. For years, I used a pair of Audioquest Ruby XLRs for connectivity. About 6 months ago, I switched over to a pair of Kimber Hero XLRs and am very pleased with the smooth neutral sound of the Kimbers, especially for the price. They have nice synergy in my system and only run about $150 for a 1M pair.

I recommend either Harmonic / Tech Pro Silway 111's or if
budget permits go to H/T Magic interconnects. H/T Pro 9 speaker cables really finish my Bryston 4bsst Bp25 system off well.

Dave D. Toronto Canada