BlackSand PC question

Has anyone tried their power cords?
Also where do they rank among all other cords in the $100 -$300 range. I always see them up for auction here and I can't find any reviews on them. Someone must be buying them.
The Silver Reference is built using a "12 AWG 3 Silver/Copper blended conductor twisted pair internal wire" (taken from their web site see

I did try one of the lower end DCCA cords back in February but found it not an ideal match for my system. It seemed to add to bit too much body/richness to the mids. I did talk with Don @ DCCA a good bit about it (sharp guy), but his higher end cords were just out of my reach. I've only had the Black Sand PCs for a couple weeks now so I did not have the opportunity to compare them.

I have been comparing the Black Sand Silver Max to the very good VH Audio AirSine and it is turning into a very close call!

Both are excellent cords and I hope to post a comparison in the next week or so.

The fact that the Black Sand is standing toe to toe with the AirSine is no small feat as many cords that are much more than the AirSine couldn't do that.

I'd like to get your impressions of the Black Sand vs. VH Airsine when you have the time. Thanks.