Please help with interconnects

I've never been much of a cable guy, because to be honest IU've never been able to tell a big difference in my system. However, recently I've upgraded my pre-amp/procesor, CDP, and speakers and now have better resolution then ever before so cables may have a bigger impact.

I just bought a Naim CD5i and the first thing I want to do is get a good IC from this unit to my Arcam AVP-700 (run in analog direct mode). I'm currently using a pair of old Tara Labs Space and Time Phase II and Outlaw audio cable from my Pre-processor to Outlaw Model-755 amp.

Eventually I would like to get a good match from CDP to Pre to amp, but this is where I want to start. BTW, I'm running Monster M1.2S speaker wire (bi-wired), so I'll be looking for recommendations here as well.

As I said, I've not been into wires so I know little about them, so I'm hoping to get some help from those of you who do.

Not looking to spend more than $150 a pair. Can I get something decent at this price?

Also, what's the deal with silver? Is it that much better?

You guys are going to think I'm crazy and apparently your going to have to take my findings with a grain of salt.

I pulled the Nordost out of my system today preparing for a sale and put the Outlaws back in and found I had completely changed my mind about the Nordost. I guess at first I was used to the smooth sound of Outlaws and found the Nordost a bit hard, but after living with them for over a week I guess I have grown used to them and learned to appreciate just what they do.

Quite simply the realism was gone. The texture of the instruments and vocals now seem too soft and down right inaccurate with the Outlaws after living with the Nordost for awhile. Also, the bass just doesn't have the detail and accuracy.

I wasn't going to say anything for fear of looking like a total flake. But, I started this thread and used you folks time and recommendations so I felt I should follow through.

Embarassed, but keeping the Nordost. I've been converted in a big way. Now I'm going to the next step and will get a set of Blue Heaven's to go between my pre/power to see how that works out.
Still not sure I'm 100% through with my IC 's, but I've found a keeper speaker cable. Thanks much to those of you who recommended the Alfa Core Goertz M1-2's. Put them in my system this past week and am very pleased with the results.

I got a nearly unanamous recommendation on the Naim forum for the Chord Chameleon IC's. Five pin din to rca type. They feel this cable is a really good fit with Naim CDP's so I bought a set and put them in and they are very good indeed. Best I've had so far.

I bought a second set and put them between my pre and power and overall I'm very happy. However, I'm going to continue experimenting with the cable between my pre/power just to see if I find something that happens to work better. You know how it goes, I have to have something to tinker with/ :-)

I would still like to have my piano's and horns to have more weigh, but this also may require a differnt amp? What is your feelings on this?

Thanks again for your help.
Do yourself a favor and try the Audio Art IC-3's - for less than $100, and return option, you cant go wrong. Another option, that I am currently trying with some major disbelief at their unbelievable peformace/price ratio is the Mongami Neglex 2534, suggested to me by an A'gon member..........
Since you like the Alpha-Core Goertz MI-2 speaker cables, I suggest you try the TQ-2 silver interconnects that sdcampbell recommended. I have both of these cables in my system and have no desire to use anything else.
Please check out Doug makes all cables to order. Very good value for the $$.