Please help with interconnects

I've never been much of a cable guy, because to be honest IU've never been able to tell a big difference in my system. However, recently I've upgraded my pre-amp/procesor, CDP, and speakers and now have better resolution then ever before so cables may have a bigger impact.

I just bought a Naim CD5i and the first thing I want to do is get a good IC from this unit to my Arcam AVP-700 (run in analog direct mode). I'm currently using a pair of old Tara Labs Space and Time Phase II and Outlaw audio cable from my Pre-processor to Outlaw Model-755 amp.

Eventually I would like to get a good match from CDP to Pre to amp, but this is where I want to start. BTW, I'm running Monster M1.2S speaker wire (bi-wired), so I'll be looking for recommendations here as well.

As I said, I've not been into wires so I know little about them, so I'm hoping to get some help from those of you who do.

Not looking to spend more than $150 a pair. Can I get something decent at this price?

Also, what's the deal with silver? Is it that much better?

Do yourself a favor and try the Audio Art IC-3's - for less than $100, and return option, you cant go wrong. Another option, that I am currently trying with some major disbelief at their unbelievable peformace/price ratio is the Mongami Neglex 2534, suggested to me by an A'gon member..........
Since you like the Alpha-Core Goertz MI-2 speaker cables, I suggest you try the TQ-2 silver interconnects that sdcampbell recommended. I have both of these cables in my system and have no desire to use anything else.
Please check out Doug makes all cables to order. Very good value for the $$.
Jack, it really comes down to what suits your taste for sound in your system. Do you want warm velvet or accurate platinum. Copper/Silver combos are nice for a meeting of mind and spirit. Pure silver is great for Plutonion analysis and Flash Gordon speed, detail. Copper, warmth. You should start with Kimber Hero.All Kable starts right there, and many return after the merry go round. I use Acoustic Zen and Kimber.
Your rite on the money about the different sound of the different materials. This matches my experience. Fortunately I've finally found a combination that works in my system and my cable hunt is over until I change equipment again. I've settled with Chord Chrysalis IC's from CDP to Pre to Power and the Goertz MI2 speaker cable.

Finally nailed the sound I was looking for. Not sure if this is good or bad, now I'll just have to find some good websites that can turn me on to some new and interesting music.

Thanks everybody for you help and responses, I really appreciate it.

Now, if I can just save up for the Ushers. :-)