Best low cost speaker cables for my system?

I have Creek 5350, Rotel 1072, B&W 703's. Mated with Transparent Powerlink Plus and Guerrilla Audio silver IC's, the system sounds well balanced and emotionally engaging. Am looking for an affordable speaker cable to complete system. Am considering DH Labs Q10 ($185 per 6' pair). I need a 24' pair of speaker cables. Anyone have any other ideas? Thanks!
Nice to hear some votes of confidence for the DH, but Tvad, I will look into the Ramelectronics stuff as well.
Stuartk, go with your gut. You'll be fine either way. FWIW, the Audioparts Inc. MAS Signature Hybrid is of similar starquad geometry, and comes with a 30 day MBG. Stu Wein offers exceptional customer service.

I have read many good things about the Q10. The only question for me would be the silver wire vs. copper. I'd have to hear both to decide, though.
Just an FYI, the Q10 is actually just slightly heavier than 10 gauge, assuming the 12 and 14 awg runs are accurately sized. Should be about the same as adding another run of 20 gauge as well.
Not that you probably cared ;)
Tvad:Yeah, I guess I figured that as the Q10 uses both copper and silver it would likely not push the sound of the system too far in either a dark or bright direction, but this is just a guess on my part. The reviews I've read of the Q10 state that it's pretty neutral (admittedly a relative term). Value Audio will lend me a 10" demo pair to try out. If I had more cash I would likely just upgrade my current Transparent "The Wall" speaker cable to Transparent Music Wave Plus because the current tonal balance is very good, but I don't have $ 1500 to spend on speaker wire!