My system is bright? I need help. thanks

Hi. it is my first time here in this forum. i would appreciate input and help from all of you. No sacrasm or bad langauge please. I had bad experience with other forums in that aspect. music loving people and audiophiles should be an elite, high caliber and classy community. This is rare to find today. Ok Down to the point.

My system
Musical fidelity kw 500 sacd player. I use the tube output.
Musical fidelity kw 500 integrated amp.
speakers:eggleston andra (not andra 2)
speaker cable: satori acoustic zen
interconnects: Nordost baldur and nordost quatrofil RCA
USe a dedicated 20 amp line with regular power cords(came with the gear) and a panamax 20 amp surge protector and filter.

This is in my family room so there is little room for treatment and moving things around.

problem: bright. the highs are killing my ears, after 1-2 hours of listening my ears start to hurt,sometimes 3 minutes. I have to turn the volume down. I tried postioning, it got a little better. I will try acoustic zen silver ref II may be it will help. The sound is otherwise phenomenal, i could be happy with more bass, but overall it is very good. Depth, tranparency, acuity and soundstaging are great. As for mids, i can see the person infront of me,I can hear the articulation of the tongue in the mouth before the words and tunes comes out. no kidding, but not for long because of fatigue.

I would really appreciate your input.
I think a major factor which is not being considered is that these are 3 way speakers and I doubt they were intended to be used as 'nearfield' monitors.
I listen to my three way Von Schweikert VR4 Gen III in a nearfield set-up and it sounds phenomenal. The musicians are in the room. I don't believe one can make generalities about nearfield versus farfield set-ups based solely upon on loudspeaker design. One has to actually TRY the possibilities to know what works and what does not.
Guys. i can send you an accurate layout as an email attachement i can have it ready by tomorrow with all dimensions and everything.
But to what email to send the attachement to.
I tried to do here but it si onlt test message. i can even take pics and send it.

let me know

10-09-06: Scientist73
Guys. i can send you an accurate layout as an email attachement i can have it ready by tomorrow with all dimensions and everything.
Thanks, but I'm going to pass on your offer.

IMO, you can experience the results first hand...and experimenting with placement as previously suggested.

If it works, terrific. If it doesn't, then IMO it'll be time to investigate alternative speakers or electronics.
my family room :

rectangular, with catherdral ceiling the longitudinal axis of the ceiling is along the long side of rectangle.
you enter throug a 3 foot opening and there is step down into the room, dtep is about 5 inches.

when standing after the step you back to the entracne(you have not walked in the room at all you are along the long axis of the rectange measuring about 20 feet and perpendicular to the shor dimension measring about 16-17 feet
right to your left is wet bar measuring H 31 x L 50 depth 36 inches. there is another acinet aboive it on the wall .
after the wet bar there is 1.5 by 1.5 foot cgap between the bar and salamander cabinet. the left andra lives infront or inside this gap if i get it very close to the wall.(this is like a 3 sided box). then the gear cabint L 66, hight 21 depth 22 inches. above it is center speaker and plasma on the wall. after the cabinet comes a larger gap unitll we reach the built in wall unit, made mainly od wood. cabinets and shleves. This gap is about 4-4.5 feet. there live s the right andra close to the cabinet and a definitive tech super cube 1 between the andra and the cabinet. The right is andra is kind of between the cabinet and this sub if i push it back.
The wall unit takes he whole wall it is right infornt of you. in the middle is solid wood wall between the 2 cabinets underneath which is a granite fireplace with glass doors.
to your righ i a wall that comprises 2 huge windows that take most of this 16-18 foot wall. there 2 foot gap between the windows and another one foot gap between the second window and the wall on your righ which is knee wass about 2.5 -3 feet high.
you are still at the entrance to your right are 2 fabric chairs with with 16 x 31 stone table between them and small ottoman infront the table
a leather sofa for 3 person back againt the windows, the center of the sofa is at the center of the gap between the 2 windows which is the at the center of the plasma screeen and the cabinet. this sofa is 3-4 inches from the wall.
right next to sofa on it's right, is a recliner tilter so it faces the TV, it's back partially faces the mindow and partially the built in cabinet in the wall.
infornt of the sota, right in the midde, and one foor waway from is a huge stome cocktail table measuring 2 feet by 3.5 feet and 1.5 feet high. the stome is not marble it is partially glzed ireegualr cheap king of stone.

a fan hanging from the cathedral ceiling up high.
i gues i got most if not all of it.
good luck imagining it
my family room :

rectangular, with catherdral ceiling the longitudinal axis of the ceiling is along the long side of rectangle.
you enter throug a 3 foot opening and there is step down into the room, dtep is about 5 inches.

when standing after the step you back to the entracne(you have not walked in the room at all you are along the long axis of the rectange measuring about 20 feet and perpendicular to the shor dimension measring about 16-17 feet
right to your left is wet bar measuring H 31 x L 50 depth 36 inches. there is another acinet aboive it on the wall .
after the wet bar there is 1.5 by 1.5 foot cgap between the bar and salamander cabinet. the left andra lives infront or inside this gap if i get it very close to the wall.(this is like a 3 sided box). then the gear cabint L 66, hight 21 depth 22 inches. above it is center speaker and plasma on the wall. after the cabinet comes a larger gap unitll we reach the built in wall unit, made mainly od wood. cabinets and shleves. This gap is about 4-4.5 feet. there live s the right andra close to the cabinet and a definitive tech super cube 1 between the andra and the cabinet. The right is andra is kind of between the cabinet and this sub if i push it back.
The wall unit takes he whole wall it is right infornt of you. in the middle is solid wood wall between the 2 cabinets underneath which is a granite fireplace with glass doors.
to your righ i a wall that comprises 2 huge windows that take most of this 16-18 foot wall. there 2 foot gap between the windows and another one foot gap between the second window and the wall on your righ which is knee wass about 2.5 -3 feet high.
you are still at the entrance to your right are 2 fabric chairs with with 16 x 31 stone table between them and small ottoman infront the table
a leather sofa for 3 person back againt the windows, the center of the sofa is at the center of the gap between the 2 windows which is the at the center of the plasma screeen and the cabinet. this sofa is 3-4 inches from the wall.
right next to sofa on it's right, is a recliner tilter so it faces the TV, it's back partially faces the mindow and partially the built in cabinet in the wall.
infornt of the sota, right in the midde, and one foor waway from is a huge stome cocktail table measuring 2 feet by 3.5 feet and 1.5 feet high. the stone is not marble it is partially glzed ireegualr cheap king of stone.

a fan hanging from the cathedral ceiling up high.
i gues i got most if not all of it.
good luck imagining it