Will high price HDMI cable makes a difference?

I need to purchase one and there seems to be quite a range of price from 19 to more than 100 dollars. Will the differnece be that great between 19 vs. 100?
If people WANT to see a diffrence they will, its that simple. Also talking to anyone who insists there is a big diffrence is like talking to a drunk, you can try to reason with them but you will just give up after you decide it is a waste of time to argue. That is what is both great and a shame about audio.....to each their own.
The same drunk analogy can be said of anyone that insists there is "no difference". I won't waste any more of my time with this discussion either. So, we differ. No harm, no foul..
Joeyboynj - send me an e-mail and I will give you the details.
I always find it amusing when people make comments stating the higher priced monster cable's "dramatically" improve quality. I will not deny the fact there is an improvement but i will say that the same dramatic improvement can also be had for a great deal less from lesser known brands as in the case of www.bluejeancables.com and www.monoprice.com. If you want highend check out the www.ramelectronics.net cables for $33.00. Oh wait the monster cables are better! Laugh!
My point wasn't that anyone should necessarily buy Monster Cable. I don't have a single monster cable in any of my three audio and A/V systems (and there was a time when I first got into this hobby many years ago when I did). I agree with folks who have said that there are cheaper alternatives that are as good or better.

In my friend's case, he was having a bunch of people over to watch a sporting event in high def, and he was unhappy with the video quality, and Radio Shack was right up the street. My point was simply that he upgraded from the super el-cheapo garbage HDMI cord that came with his component and it solved his problem.

So, in term's of the thread's key question -- does an upgraded HDMI cable make a difference, the answer is that it sure can, at least in the case of my friend, and he and I were both able to discern a clear difference (as was his non-audio/video/file wife). Whether te upgrade needs to be "high priced" or not would require somebody to do an HDMI cable shoot out and figure out what offers the best bang for the buck.
My Toshiba XA1(hd-dvd) came with a cable; I "had" to use for 2 weeks. The cable goes to a Ruby projector with a 92 screen. Both are 1080i compatible.(the ruby is 1080p) ---I also have the Samsung 1200 BD player---Now I suppose on a 32 /42 inch lcd tv's screen, and feeding it standard def. dvds;it might be hard to discern between cables. In my setup,with this much potential;and the need for a long run; I use Wireworld's Silver hdmi. I; and my wallet know the difference.---AND---of course your milage ---.