Devore Super 8 speakers with WHAT cable?

Super8 's on their way and looking for the best combination of speaker cable? Can a great cable be had for Approx $250US? Would be paired with a Red Wine Audio Sig 30.2 Thankks, e
edo_musica statement is false... a used pair is still $200 more than his budget. And that assumes he only needs 2.5 meters and wants someone's old cables.

Those BC92 cables are actually $500 as well (new), but within his budget used. The Blue Circle BC91 are within his budget even new.

What cables does John Devore like? Why don't you email and ask him?
Give the Morrow Audio reference cable a shot
They are very neutral sounding cables that would work well with the Devores signature sound
Thanks again for the reality check Bowbow. The recent Devore + modwright pre + redwineaudio amp purchase does not leave the mega budget that one could use on cables. I will look for some used cables based on the suggestions. Ridecycle.... I already have anti-cables on my current system(guess I forgot to mention that) -e
Hello e,

First, thanks for choosing our speakers, I hope you enjoy your new system for many years.

As a rule we don't have specific component or cable recommendations, but I thought it was important to suggest that you make sure the speakers are fully burned-in before any decisions are make regarding cables. A minimum of 200 hours of normal play is recommended. The tonal balance will shift throughout the burn-in process, and this moving target will make it impossible to make any meaningful choices regarding your final set-up.

Cheers, and happy listening!
John DeVore
Awe man....not even a hint John?!

I already tried looking at your photo to see if it was obvious what cables you use in your living room. No luck. Seriously I think that the Anticables will work fine but will compare with other cable or two.

Funny that from your LR pic I saw a couple of things: I will also be using a 7.1 for center and have a very similar "acoustically neutral" coffee table but not the Nelson. Thanks for the reply....I will allow burn in before experimenting.