Devore Super 8 speakers with WHAT cable?

Super8 's on their way and looking for the best combination of speaker cable? Can a great cable be had for Approx $250US? Would be paired with a Red Wine Audio Sig 30.2 Thankks, e
Orjazzm I've responded to that ad selling the A23 cables for $450 twice, but with no response. I think its a stale ad and/or the seller's dissapeared.
The Auditorium 23 cables in my system have been the best cables I have heard to date! Most natural sounding cables! Everything sounds so real and life-like! I especially like what it does to timbre, tone and decay of notes! I am glad I stumbled upon the Auditorium 23s.
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I also have the Auditorium 23 which is a great cable.
For my Niam gear the Naim NACA5 with Deltron banana plugs with a minimum of 12 feet length is a great match.
This combined with Synergistic Research pc's, ic,s has
provided a holographic sound stage with a nice timbre and

I liked the Naim NACA5 so much that it replaced my expensive
Stereovox speaker cable for my HT system. It is very cheep
and you can find a pair used for around $140.00. They do provided a nice musical tone with the DeVore super 8's.