CARDAS Fans: Golden vs. Neutral vs. Presence?

I know the Reference series is considered to have less of the traditional house Cardas sound. However, I've read many differing opinions that leave me in the dark as to what they sound like.

Also, one 6moons reviewer liked the Golden Ref IC more than the Golden Ref speaker cable. He found the speaker cable somewhat lean, though detailed and transparent. The most worrisome trait, though, was that he found there to be a loss of "body sound" to vocals and strings, with an emphasis on what he called the "head sound." And the bass a bit overblowsn. This was compared to Nirvana S-L.

Then there is both the Neutral Ref and the Golden Presence. I know what Cardas says about them on their website, so I don't need their descriptions of how they hear them.

Many people find the Neutral Reference too lean with brightness on less than ideal recordings. And the bass seems to be good, but not as deep and tight as it could be.

Then there is the Golden Presence. Few have written about it, but there are a couple of people who like it best of all the Reference series.

Can I get some informed opinions on both the interconnects and the speakers cables of all three models?
I can't somehow imagine how a cable that spews dielectric noise into the signal can be beneficial for certain systems. But, if that is what is, then who am I to argue.

How do I know the Golden Reference is noisy? My system is that sensitive.
No, to me the neutral Ref were not bright at all - I found them to be full bodied open with a smidge of warmth - The Golden Cross a bit slower, smaller sound stage and lots of warmth - I have been using the Golden Cross / Nordost combo for about a year now and am very pleased with that synergy - I still own the Neutral Ref speaker cable - They are sitting in a box with another NR cable I have purchased to be used in a future Surround set up - The Neutral Ref are more revealing so they might highlight any weakness in a system - Golden Cross are way more forgiving - I would like to try the Golden Ref - I have heard that they have the positive qualities of both the NR and the GC - That would be terrific if it is true. Tony
Muralman, it's curious you found them noisy when so many have commented on how black and quiet they are.

Firedrums, why did you not continue to use the Neutral Ref speaker cables, instead moving to Nordost? I'm guessing because the Golden Cross was so warm, you needed the Nordost to give it definition.
Muralman, I also use the Speltz anti-ic's in my system, very nice cable. Still, the fact it doesn't use a dialectic doesn't make it inherently better. The Speltz cable has it's own noise to add to my system, in the form of increased rfi and emi.
I too can hear what each cable does in a very revealing system, the Cardas Golden Ref. will be the correct choice for many systems.
I'm still trying to find those with Golden Presence.

It has been said the G Presence IC is the same as G Ref, except less shielding. But I also heard that was not true.

Also, the G Presence speaker wire. Since it has 4 bundles of conductors, like the Neutral Ref, how is it different? It certainly costs more.