Nordost Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma?

Looking to discover the "black magic" of after-market power cords for my Esoteric x-03se, and recently a/b'd the stock cord with the Shiva and a TG Audio SLVR. Though I really enjoy the clarity, balance, and bass firmness of the Shiva, it seems to lack the soundstage of the SLVR, as well as perhaps not as much bass punch. The SLVR also seems a bit too much in-your-face for my system/room environment. For those who have compared, what are the differences (besides $!) bet. the Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma? Would I hear much improvement on my Esoteric and do well to go up the line?

Thanks very much.
I can't give you details, but the Vishnu is a significant step up from the Shiva. I liked the Shiva on my CDP, but the Vishnu just sounds tremendous. (I did not a/b them directly.) Definitely worth the listen.
I agree wholeheartedly with Episteme's comments. You will get more bass weight and better overall soundstage with the Vishnu. It is a huge step up from the Shiva, which is a great cord, but as you've pointed, a little lightweight. I use Vishnus on my Rega Jupiter 2000 CD player, and Quicksilver Horn Mono amps.
I've had all three: the Brahma is the most solid of the 3 with much more weight than the other two.