mixing and matching.....

I might be opening a can of worms on this one but with literally hundreds of posts on cables I can't resist. How many of us have a mixed bag of IC + PC cable mfrs on our systems? My system has cables from Audioquest, Pure-note, Homegrown (remember them?) and different model cables within each mfr. The situation with Power cables is even worse.

My question is this: How much benefit can any of this yield with such a hodge podge. Would it be better to get rid of everything and start anew with 1 mfr.? Has anyone had this problem?
IMO, there's nothing wrong with optimizing sound from one component to another using cables that sound best in that position, whether they're from the same manufacturer or not. I know most cable manufacturers will suggest using the same wire. I've only heard two systems that use the same wiring for ICs and speaker cables, and both systems sound quite good.

I've recently replaced 80% of my power cords with a particular model from one manufacturer, and I believe I hear benefits by doing so.
I have 4 brands: DNM, MIT and Harmonic Tech and Audioquest.

It is not a problem. Rolling cables is not much different than rolling tubes IMHO.
I can't think of one pwer cord that sounds good in every place in my system. I don't have a perfect system, what is that? Something is going to sound better than something else. I.C.'s are fewer. Try the fuses, and go one level deeper, they're great.
I have Straightwire LSI, Straightwire Encore, Monster M1000, SilverAudio 4.0 bullets, and some custom silver cable...I often wonder about that too especially because I have a switchbox so the cable coming from the component to the switchbox is different from the cable going to the amp...seems to be ok though.