looking for interconnect under 200 dollars

looking for interconnect that has a nice soundstage with tight bass and decent midrange for under 200 dollars. Is there one out there or is this just a crazy pipedream.
such a question will elicit many recommendations.

the answer is to audition as many as you can. if you can't borrow them, buy those which have good resale value, i.e., the relationship between retail price and resale price.

as well-intentioned as the suggestions are, each cable is vouiced differently and some of the suggestions will not be to your liking. you have no idea , before an audition which cable will be the one for you.

thus, if you follow one suggestion you should listen to the others as well, otherwise you are just flipping a coin.
Go to Virtual Dynamics's site. Great products and they are clearing out used stuff, which you can trade in for future upgrades
01-08-09: Stringreen
Anti-Cables... No question

If it were only that simple......then none of these high end products would be on the market. Cheaper speakers, cheaper electronics, cheaper cables........what a wonderful world this would be.

In the future though you may want to add "IMHO", as there really is a question on everything manufactured...... cables, speakers, electronics, et al. Everyone has their own opinion of what is best. No component or cable is the best w/o question.

hi john:

you are right. but, what does someone do with all of the opinions/recommendations ? how does one make an intelligent selction from a bunch of opinions ?