MIT cables and super tweeters

So I'm leaning towards purchasing some MIT cables (likely Shotgun S3 IC and speaker cables), but I can't figure out what the network box on the cables actually does. From what I've read, it appears to act as a low pass filter to remove all the grunge carried at utlra high frequencies which supposedly can muck up the audible frequencies. While this doesn't sound like a bad thing, I also intend to purchase a Townshend Super Tweeter (20kHz -70kHz per specs) some time this year (**crosses fingers**). If the MIT's network box is acting as a low pass filter, then wouldn't it filter out all the audio frequency info that would've gone to the super tweeter? Anybody have any insight on this as I'm not sure if this is even right. Thanks much.
I recall that MIT speaker cables tries to even out the power factor through the addition of filters. This relies on the assumption that audio equipment are supposed to work with an even power transfer. It is an interesting idea but I am not sure how many speakers and amplifiers are designed to work that way (if any?). Perhaps Ralph can comment from an amplifier design perspective?

That some equipment sounds better with filters is not surprising or unusual given the variety of stuff out there. I

I'd suggest the only way to know would be to simply try it and see.
Ralph has an excellent paper on the subject at his site:

I have great respect for his writings and his work.

I haven't seen enough information, though, to be able to comment on the effects, if any, of the MIT boxes on power factor.

-- Al
MIT cables have always outperformed any of the competition I have tried on my gear, from ARC and BAT reference gear to Levinson and Krell SS. Wire is just wire if it isn't MIT. Try any competitor and then try MIT...if you have ears and have ever heard music being made in front of you live then you will appreciate what they offer. Einstein's theories still seem like techno babble for most of this worlds inhabitants...that don't mean they ain't so brudda:O)
The short answer to your questions can be directly answered
by going to a Bruce Brissons web site which shows you detailed photos of what is inside the network boxes and even lets u put one together yourself.
The website is
Happy Listening
>>03-01-09: Dave_b
Wire is just wire if it isn't MIT.<<

It's hard to believe one person can post so many dumb statements.

But then again you're a model of consistency.