MIT cables and super tweeters

So I'm leaning towards purchasing some MIT cables (likely Shotgun S3 IC and speaker cables), but I can't figure out what the network box on the cables actually does. From what I've read, it appears to act as a low pass filter to remove all the grunge carried at utlra high frequencies which supposedly can muck up the audible frequencies. While this doesn't sound like a bad thing, I also intend to purchase a Townshend Super Tweeter (20kHz -70kHz per specs) some time this year (**crosses fingers**). If the MIT's network box is acting as a low pass filter, then wouldn't it filter out all the audio frequency info that would've gone to the super tweeter? Anybody have any insight on this as I'm not sure if this is even right. Thanks much.
I knew I could bring Audiofeil out of retirement from his career of bashing fellow Audiogon members with strong views of their own. You definately have a place in the new administration in Washington head of the Individual Thought Police. For the record mine Fuhrer, the reason I am consistent is due to the fact that I constantly experiment with new cables yet wind up going back to MIT. Why? Because wire IS can dress it up and call it Stealth or any other cool name you like, but it is just WIRE! MIT incorporates technology that allows music through and not just some Audiophiles confabulated idea of what music should sound like. Of course Boston Symphony Hall is my reference...not poorly recorded bad digital tranfers of best forgotten '80's music. How many patents does Stealth Cable have?
Funny stuff from an amateur.

Yours is not a strong view; it is an absolute. Anybody with experience would know that in this hobby, there are no absolutes.

Keep up the good work.
For me it may be an absolute. For others it is always just a recommendation. you just bring out the worst in people sometimes.:O)
No that's not true.

I simply point out your inexperience and hyperbole.

Your posting history is replete with both.
Inexperience? No. Hyperbole? For entertainment purposes, perhaps. My thoughts and feelings? Yes!