Can anyone explain cable risers?

Can anyone explain why cable risers do or dont work to improve the sound. Thanks.
The idea that synthetic carpeting can act as a dielectric is valid. However, the thought that an Audiophile would have bottom of the barrel plastic builder grade wall to wall carpeting in his listening room makes no sense at all. It's just a few $hundred bucks to hardwood floor a room. Throw a nice wool rug down, and you've got a cozy comfortable living space. With out the filthy allergen filled wall to wall garbage carpet.
Is there ANY phenomenon, man-made or natural, that DOES NOT affect high end audio systems? Is there any phenomenon in nature or man-made that an audiophile CANNOT hear? This includes anything occurring in the Milky Way.
Ok now. Man I love this country and this web site because now I know all about cable risers. Now lets discuss what might be the best kind of dog for a listening room because everything makes a difference. Or maybe for those of us aspiring to be a champion audio-philies what is the breakfast of champions. Or do some shampoos have a positive or negative effect on your-should I say it?-ears and thus your ability to go to tranquil musicland. Or maybe riding home from work in what kind of car puts you in the best frame of mind for listening to 'uriah heep'. Or maybe do any of you think greenpeace can save anything so we don't loose the natural sounds of things to all artificial sounds. I don't want to get everybody atwitter but the dna of many things has been modified making things unnatural. Anyway lets move on to something way more intersting now we know all about cable risers.