Computer vs CD/SACD discs

I am simplifying my system and getting out of vinyl. Actually sold all the vinyl and analog gear already. I was planning on going to computer audio and have been playing with it but really don't see the benefit over just slipping a disc into the tray. I also am getting a bit frustrated by all of the options of downloads, cables, inputs and opinions all over the place. I would welcome opinions thoughts on computer audio vs the old fashioned, putting a disc on the tray and pushing play. ( Streaming, I use spotify, exempted as this is a nice way to demo new music).
08-02-14: Dbphd
When I was thinking of a used Ayre C-5xeMP, I posed the question of this thread to John Atkinson, who lists the Ayre as one of his sources. His reply was that for convenience he uses computer audio; for high quality audio he uses the Ayre.

I bought a used Ayre C-5xeMP. I have an unused Mac Mini connected to the asynchronous USB port of an Oppo BDP-105. The HD Tracks software wouldn't download when I purchased a Bach piece that seemed interesting. A fiend who is a computer audio enthusiast couldn't get it to download either and I haven't followed up.
Wow! John Atkinson. Mr. BIG. Now I'm convince. Computer audio is a BUST!

Is Stereophile still in business? I want to subscribe again and make my purchase decisions SOLELY on their recommended list.
Joecasey, I would agree that a music server is convenient especially relative to vinyl and even a player. But I find players the lowest quality and music servers and vinyl very close together. I don't know what his motivations are for saying this, but I find it ridiculous.
One huge advantage of PC-audio is that it never skips even completely ###### up CDs.
Czarivey writes, "One huge advantage of PC-audio is that it never skips even completely ###### up CDs." I would add that neither does my Ayre C-5xePM, Oppo BDP-105, or Sony XA5400ES.

The ignorant, sarcastic tone of the replies from Joecasey and TBG are what make me not want to post. Joecasey extends a post to the absurd; TBG generalizes to the point of making himself seem ridiculous -- I doubt he's experienced all disc players, all servers, or all vinyl needed to make such a blanket pronouncement.

Dbphd, hmmm, I didn't think I was sarcastic, but I do think you are ignorant.