Why don't gold based cable fans try Synergistic

I am looking to try new cables and have been reading the archives in cable forums on all the great cable recommendations. I'm trying to get a handle on how the Synergistic Tesla range that I once owned compare to the gold based cable offerings.

However for some strange reason hardly any of the members here who seem to have tried the various gold based faves (Gabriel Gold, Jade, KCI, Purist and others) have not been tempted to try the popular Synergistic cables and not much here in the way of comparisons. I am not sure why but there seems to be two camps.

Anyways hoping to get a comparison as I had the Tesla Accelerators in my system for a short while and wonder if the gold based cables have the same naturalness, depth of soundstage, air and separation of the Teslas. I should add that as good as the Accelerators were sound wise I did not like the idea of introducing more electricity into my system with the active shielding hence looking for comparable alternatives.
"So, I believe that short term blind tests of unfamiliar cables in an unfamiliar system are a waste of time."

I couldn't agree more. IMO: Blind tests of cables are only significant over an extended period of time in a familiar system. There's just too many variables involved otherwise.
Antipodes...could you tell your cable from another in a blind test on a completely different system you have never heard before?
It might be very difficult if one went into the blind testing straight away. I can usually pick up the key characteristics of a system within three tracks, if the tracks are familiar, and so after that, if I knew both cables, and so what I was listening for, I would probably get better than 80%. It would be really really hard if I wasn't familiar with the characteristics of one of the cables.

See, I CAN make a short post.
Vandermeulen, You did not list your system. Please do so.

It sounds to me that you have way too many cables for a simple high quality high end system. I dont see how you could tell anything!
Remember, cables can only subtract from your components potential. Keep it simple.

I have found that as my system components improved, the differences in cables and other changes become more obvious.