mogami interconnects

The news is reaching me that the best solution for i/c's is Mogami Neglex 2549 microphone cable and Neutrik plugs, using the two core wires for send and return, and connecting the screen to return at one end.

I was wondering whether anyone out there had any experience with Mogami cables.

Looking forward to hearing your views.

I'm interested, too, about the sound of the Mogami 2549 in unbalanced configuration. Has anyone compared this to anything else?

Simon--the Mogami 2549 you asked about is an entirely different cable than the "Canare star quad cable" that Johnnyb53 referred to, and "the Mogami Neglex Quad" that Bjpd57a1 referred to.
I use the unbalanced Mogami between my phono stage and preamp, but I have tried it elsewhere in my system as well. I have compared it to Intuitive Design Mosaic Chimera cables and 47 Labs OTA cables. I find them to be very neutral, but can see why some refer to them as "thin". I sense they are fairly true to the source which is why I seem to like them most between phono stage and preamp.
If you are running balanced cables, and

Your balanced system (preamp) supports the 600 ohm standard


you will find no audible difference between the Mogami and any other balanced cable, price no object.


The low impedance balanced line system was specifically devised to eliminate cable artifact, and it works.

Single ended: all bets are off.

Balanced, but does not support the standard: all bets are off.

BTW, to support the 600 ohm aspect of the standard your preamp will have an much lower impedance which will be unchanging from 20Hz to 20KHz.
Had a long conversation with the Mogami distributor in California. I was quite surprised, because I only wanted 100 ft. of cable. Anyway, he liked telling stories.

According to him, "most" studios use Mogami, but not the 2534. He says some years ago there was a big switch-over to Mogami 3173. It's a balanced 110 ohm cable that Mogami recommends for both analogue and "long distance AES/EBU digital."

I use Mogami 3173 as well as DH Labs Pro Studio and Neotech NEI-3004. Doubt I could tell the difference, whether for balanced or single-ended.

[FWIW, I use big solid-state amps of 100-400 wpc (Ampzilla 2000, B.A.T., MC2, McCormack), and high sensitivity professional studio monitors (TAD TL-1801/TL-1603/TD-4003, Tannoy "System" series) with Mogami 3104 speaker cable (4 x 11.5 AWG) in a 28 X 27 x 18 ft. space.]