speaker cables for Wilson Sophia

Other than transparent and MIT cables for Wilson Speakers, what other cables are you guys using w/ your Wilsons ?
Is it also determined by the amplifier being used ?

Thanks for the inputs.
The Wilson speakers work well with nearly everything. It is up to you. Cardas is a good choice, my favorite was XLO Limited Edition (super Top end, Air and Life in the upper Highs, excellent speed and Body...)
Although I don't own any Wilsons or Transparent cable, I have heard the entire Wilson line with Transparent cable many times, as that's how my local dealer sets them up. Second, I owned MIT MH-750 II for several years. The MITs sounded darker than the Transparent, but they both have a similar presentation in low noise floor and phase coherency resulting in better bass weight, midrange clarity, inner detail, extended but not spitty treble, and well defined imaging and soundstage.

Recently I got a pair of Zu Cable Libtecs and they remind me of the very expensive Transparents--dead quiet, very fast and dynamic, speed that translates into great transparency and clarity, and yet a relaxed overall presentation (once they burn in, which takes awhile) where the top end is airy but not spitty or hashy, and the presentation is well-detailed but in perspective to the heft, body, and rhythm of the music.

The point I'm making is that--given Zu' 60-day in-home trial period, you might give their top line Ibis cables a try. At $2K/10-ft pair they're a third less than Cardas GR and a fraction of what the equivalent Transparent would be.

If you don't like 'em you're out maybe 2-3 weeks of burn-in and $15 return shipping.

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with Zu Cable; I'm just a very satisfied customer.
I have owned Transparent, MIT, Kimber, Goertz, Dynamic Design, Maestro, AQ and many others but JPS Labs Superconductor 3 puts them all to shame without a question.