speaker cables for Wilson Sophia

Other than transparent and MIT cables for Wilson Speakers, what other cables are you guys using w/ your Wilsons ?
Is it also determined by the amplifier being used ?

Thanks for the inputs.
The Wilson speakers work well with nearly everything. It is up to you. Cardas is a good choice, my favorite was XLO Limited Edition (super Top end, Air and Life in the upper Highs, excellent speed and Body...)
Although I don't own any Wilsons or Transparent cable, I have heard the entire Wilson line with Transparent cable many times, as that's how my local dealer sets them up. Second, I owned MIT MH-750 II for several years. The MITs sounded darker than the Transparent, but they both have a similar presentation in low noise floor and phase coherency resulting in better bass weight, midrange clarity, inner detail, extended but not spitty treble, and well defined imaging and soundstage.

Recently I got a pair of Zu Cable Libtecs and they remind me of the very expensive Transparents--dead quiet, very fast and dynamic, speed that translates into great transparency and clarity, and yet a relaxed overall presentation (once they burn in, which takes awhile) where the top end is airy but not spitty or hashy, and the presentation is well-detailed but in perspective to the heft, body, and rhythm of the music.

The point I'm making is that--given Zu' 60-day in-home trial period, you might give their top line Ibis cables a try. At $2K/10-ft pair they're a third less than Cardas GR and a fraction of what the equivalent Transparent would be.

If you don't like 'em you're out maybe 2-3 weeks of burn-in and $15 return shipping.

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with Zu Cable; I'm just a very satisfied customer.
I have owned Transparent, MIT, Kimber, Goertz, Dynamic Design, Maestro, AQ and many others but JPS Labs Superconductor 3 puts them all to shame without a question.
thanks for the replies. Trying to find out which of the cables is synergy with the wilson speakers.
Different speaker cables have different character & for sure, there are some that is more synergistic with other speakers. In this thread, trying to specifically find out which speaker cables is in good synergy with Wilson speakers.
One thing for sure, Transparent is a very common cable with Wilson Audio.
Hope that clarifies things.