Audioquest colorado sound to bright

I huse AQ colorado on my systeme and i want replace it because its to bright. considering this carateristic, i would like to know if the cardas golden reference would be a good upgrade? or maybe the golden cross would be better?
In defense of the Colorado, I was not able to give them their due. The dealer likes to have them out for 2-3 days and the box clearly states that you need about 2 weeks. So they may have been better than my experience allowed me to witness.
Gshepardbuster...isn't it odd that Audioquest cables have to break in when they claim that their battery supply does that very thing...
Stringreen..I here ya, I gave up trying to follow "cable logic", but just because I don't understand how or why does'nt change the effect..or is it placebo??

I don't believe AQ ever implied that interconnect break-in was not necessary with DBS. DBS helps to keep a worn-in dialectric sounding good even after periods of time when the cable has not had a signal flowing through it.