Do powercords make a difference in sound?

Do they make a difference by upgrading stock power cords in amps, ect versus aftermarket power cords? If so, can anyone advise a good bang for the buck upgrade?

09-06-11: Rwwear
I think anyone interested should read this:

remember: shiny side out!
Hello all, again. Paperw8, you made the following comment:
"if you read my comments more closely, you will note that i stated that AT MINIMUM, such "evaluations" need to be done in blind testing, where the listener does not know which components are being used, or even whether components have been changed at all from one test to the next. i guarantee you that you would be a lot less sure about the purported "sonic improvements" that you claim to hear if you didn't know what you were listening to from one test to the next."
I have been repeating myself that not only can I accomplish this with 100% repeatable consistent reliability under exactly the circumstances you describe : 'Not knowing when the cables are swapped...completely random...often repeatedly NOT changed, even after implying it 'may' have been...' 100% of the time I can tell and identify cable A or Cable B each and every time. Add to that I'd be confidently willing to bet that many/most people could do exactly the same thing.
So where is the question here? Why is there any doubt about whether powercords make a difference in sound? Comparing a typical stock powercord to a competent aftermarket cord, especially one of the many I have mentioned (just the tip of the iceberg of what's available)is absolutely NOT ambiguous...NOT questionable...NOT uncertain... especially in a reasonably resolving system (and even MORE ESPECIALLY in a HIGHLY resolving system). This post never needed to reach over 4 pages and 200+ responses... I'm simply stating what is so apparent to the majority of the readers of this cable section who have purchased aftermarket powercords and in so doing have significantly improved the sound quality of their systems...using their own hard earned money and without feeling intimidated by any high pressure salespeople...they simply tried it, and believed their own ears!
If anyone wants to discuss "WHY" powercords DO make a difference, then start another thread about it but THIS thread simply wanted to know IF THEY DO make a difference in sound and THAT answer has been stated over 200 responses earlier: YES,indeed, they absolutely do.