Ultimate Cables no more?

I placed an order with Ultimate Cables 3 weeks ago. The order went through, but I havent gotten the cables and when I went to check status on the web site it is gone. Anyone know what is going on?
Sorry to read what you are having to deal with, I reside in Canada so after reading your delima and not being very familiar with the compamy googled it, is it this company?


The site seemed to be active "poor" but looking at the contact info does not provide an actual number and looking at the bottom of the page in relation to address is just a P.O. Box.

Ultimate Cables P.O. Box 24087 Montreal ,Quebec, H1A 4Z2 Canada

To me looks a little sketchy and would never send any money.

A thought would be to look up any reviews and contact them, Audiophilia reveiwed them back in 2008.

Audiophilia, Inc. tel - 647 284 5414

I also went onto a local search engine and typed in Carl Barieri and came up with this, not sure if it's the same guy or not but ironic that it also showed up to be in Montreal Quebec same area as P.O. Box of Ultimate Cables so you might want to call and see.


Carl Barbieri
(514) 642-0029
16074 Rue Bellerive
Montreal, QC H1A5A2

Best of luck
You got the right company. There are 8 Carl Barbieris in the Montreal area, so I dont know which one. I bought after reading the audiophilia review and others as well as a 100% favorable rating on ebay. Unfortunately, it seems the business has had problems starting late last year from a bunch of posts on www.stereo.net.au/forums. Just put ultimate cables in the search engine. Same problems, no cables, late, no response, excuses.

I finally got an email back today, after leaving a voice mail on his phone suggesting I would contact authorities. He says he mailed 2 weeks ago. but no tracking number.
We shall see. And no explanation why he hasnt responded to numerous emails and phone calls.
Of course, no contact after he said he would get back to me on Thursday after he checked what happened to the shipment.
This is exactly what scares me about some of these brands that are slightly "fringe" brands and that you can only seem to be able to get through distributors. I posed this sort of scenario on another forum ("Great Cables ... That Get Little Attention") but it seems people don't seem to mind.
Good luck Manitunc.
I may be old fashioned but I am sticking to stores for these sort of purchases!
I can't comment about recent experiences with Carl, but I purchased a fair number of UC cables a couple of years ago for a HT setup and was pleased with the results. If I had to criticize, shipping was a little slowish, but have been happy with their quality and value. I had no issues with communication from Carl - seemed like a decent guy.