Digital coaxial audio cable suggestions.

Suggestions for a reasonably flexible 1m long digital coaxial cable for around $200 that is well shielded from RF and sounds good? Also, where can I reliably buy the suggested cable from?
I bought the DH Labs D-75 a few months ago and have been very happy with it. Great cable, great company. I was using a pure silver cable before and haven't felt the need to put it back in...yet.
I agree with the recommendation for the DH Labs Silver Sonic D-75.

An internet search will pull up several online dealers, including at least one who advertises here. You also can email DH Labs at for the nearest dealer.
I've happily been using an Apogee Wyde Eye S/PDIF for years and most times prefer it to my Stereovox XV2 -- it's a little less crisp and more natural sounding. You can get a 0.5m cable from Musician's Friend for $50 with free shipping. Best of luck.
Mike60, I've found the results of different coax cables to be very dependent on your gear/system - what are you connecting? And also, what connector types?

I have tried all of the following and found the basic Wireworld Starlight 6 to be best in my system (Squeezebox Touch to HK990 RCA-RCA): Supra Trico, DH Labs 75, Black Cat Silver Star
I used a pair of the least expensive AQ cables (VDMXr or something) and although they seemed to sound fine, I upgraded to a VDM3 (1 meter) from the CD player to the DAC, and a VDM5 silver cable (.5 meter) from a Squeezebox Touch to the DAC. All work great and and the cable length seems to be irrelevant (I a/b'd them to test this) maybe due to the re-clocking ability of the DAC. The difference between the cheapest and most expensive of this group seemed minor, but it's there. Now I have an extra pair of VDMx cables languishing in my Cable Museum.