5AR4/GZ34 Rectifier Tubes

Is anyone currently making a tube of this type that rivals the performance of the best NOS Mullard tubes? I'm surprised that Sophia, Psvane and others appear not to have offered this tube. Suggestions?
Dodgealum, Your findings in comparing the Blackburn Mullard and Create synergy 5AR4 in your LS 100 parallel exactly my take on the two tubes in the ModWright Sony 5400. I agree that they are both superb tubes, with certain systems or tastes tipping the balance on which to use. As for me, I prefer the Create.
For Create to offer this tube at a time when the Mullards are in very short supply is a real boon.
Did some more listening last night with the Create 5AR4 and Sophia Electric 6SN7's in the lineup. Really spectacular combo in my system. I am getting a very lucid, detailed and musically involving sound. The Create provides exceptional inner detail that is slightly obscured by the Mullard yet I detect no signs of grit, hardness or spotlighting of frequencies that often arrives with elevated detail. The sound is very coherent--exceptionally so--and this even handedness really draws you into the music. I would say there is as much air and space as the Mullard but the Create lacks the warmish glow around voices and instruments that immediately gives away the presence of tubes in the system. I would urge anyone using the LS100 to try both rectifier tubes and a range of 6SN7's in your system. Tube rolling the LS100 has been very edifying and allows a refined level of system matching that other preamps simply do not provide.
LikeTrelja, I am also curious if Create 5AR4 is same as Shuguang 5AR4. Could someone compare the Create 5AR4 to the Shuguang?
Hi Sstalwar, I don't think you will find many with both as I just checked the prices online. The Create seems to around $50 while the Shunguang is around $25 delivered.
I just ordered the Create as that isn't enough of a difference to take the chance that the Shunguang is the same after reading all the good reports on the Create.
If you want to send me a Shunguang, it would be my pleasure to compare them for you in my LS100. :)

Just received the Create and Treasure CV181-Z tubes and put them in.
I preferred the JJ Audio tube over the NOS mullard tube for all the reasons
posted above for my Modwright PS 9. I have not tried the Create rectifier