Metal "whiskers" on cartridge body

I checked my stylus/cartridge yesterday, the stylus looked great. However, I noticed metal "whiskers" attached to the front of the cartridge body (an ESCCO modified Zu Denon 103R).

I have no idea where these came from, the cartridge is always stored in a clean wooden box, by itself, when not in use.

Is a there a safe way to remove them? They don't seem inclined to go anywhere, but I'd rather they not be there.

I welcome your thoughts.

Psag's idea sound like a likely source of the whiskers. I haven't tried anything yet, I'm enjoying too much music to take the time to address "shaving" my cartridge.

Doug, I do play RCA "Shaded Dog" records from time to time, but unless Nipper is "The Dog of Steel", it's perhaps an unlikely source.

Although it's possible he picked up some metallic shavings from that early horn he was looking into. Some of them were made of metal.


-- Al