What makes a better phono cable ?

Silver or copper? My understanding would be silver but finding a low capacitance silver cable has been a challenge.Currently using a Synergistic Tricon Analog.Nice cable but seems to be my weakest link.Any experienced input would be greatly appreciated.
Al, (Almarg), I recognize bs that's why I called him (Syntax) on it and of
course he doesn't have a reply. I know about measuring impedance,
conductivity, resistance, etc. but never heard of a way to measure transfer
of information in this way specially when it comes down to our topic, the
quality of the audio signal. I was just curious why would anyone make such
an irrelevant statement specially if as you pointed out he's been called on it
03-12-15: Almarg
IMO, John's (Jmcgrogan2's) comment, which I know to be based on a great deal of relevant experience, is the bottom line.

-- Al

Thank you kindly Al. I always value your comments. Though many might say too much experience, and I could not argue.
No simple Chocolate or Vanilla choice here. Do you know how hard it is to pick a favorite flavor when you've tried 48 different flavors?? Sometimes less is more. ;^)

Well, the question was, "What makes a better phono cable" and not "what is my flavor of the month". When everything is equal (high quality RCA plugs on BOTH sides - Preamp-, high quality solder and so on, then silver can carry more information than any other material on this planet. That's the way it is. What a listener likes or not is a total different chapter :-)
"Better" means many different things to many different people. Get 10 audiophiles in a room with 10 different cables and you will get 11 opinions on which cable is "better".

Words like "Better" and "Best" are really meaningless, IMHO.