What makes a better phono cable ?

Silver or copper? My understanding would be silver but finding a low capacitance silver cable has been a challenge.Currently using a Synergistic Tricon Analog.Nice cable but seems to be my weakest link.Any experienced input would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks to all for the replies. What I should of stated in the original post was which conductor is the most revealing as a phono cable given the fact that the signal is so small but very important part of the chain.Just makes sense to have a true to the sorce as possible cable from cartridge to phono.
I'd recommend taking advantage of the Cable Company's lending library of cables if you don't have the ability to audition in your system locally. Cables are so system dependent.

Though I should also point out that Audience takes the interesting approach of different cables for different types of carts. Low impedance LOMC, higher impedance LOMC and MM.
03-13-15: Roscoeiii
I'd recommend taking advantage of the Cable Company's lending library of cables if you don't have the ability to audition in your system locally. Cables are so system dependent.
+1. Excellent suggestion by Roscoe. Also, Frank, it may be helpful for us to know what cartridge and what phono stage you are using, what load value you are applying at the input to the phono stage, and approximately what length the cable would be.

-- Al
Already spoke with R.S.about this.Just trying to get it narrowed down a bit.Cart is Atlas,Ref2se 47 load and 1.2
Instead of asking which conductors is the most revealing, why don't you ask which cables are the most revealing?

For most revealing, my recommendation would be the Stealth Audio Hyperphono cable. YMMV.