The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,
Why don't you come to the logical conclusion that you don't need to discuss me or my system? Why does this keep happening to me? As someone has told me recently, in another context, "Ohh, I never seen the like". I hate to be the cause of yet another thread being messed up, and would not have initially posted a response here, were it not for the originator asking where I was. My interest is usually to share some knowledge or experience I have had, with someone that might look to me like they need it. And when everything turns philosophical, or, when it's "I heard this component this heard it that way", it all goes out the window. Sometimes that's fun, but mostly it wastes my time, and doesn't really help anybody. I apologize for my part in causing it, yet again...
Carl, I asked a question, you said "No", that should have been end of the discussion. I didn't pursue it and you didn't mess up anything, so let's let it go at that. Logical enough conclusion? Good!
Hey Albertporter, can I be your friend? I'll bring the bourbon. And to the rest of you whinny, sniveling, little "my system sounds better than yours" baby asses, get some new material and get a life! GEEZ!!
Real name is Todd. And I'll be a monkey's uncle if you don't own/ did own/ want to own most of what I said...or you've been masquerading on Audiogon for a long time. Also, you own a pair of Maggies. N'est ce pas? David99 if you were aiming at insulting me, you're the B-O-Z-O. Look it up clown.
This has been a nice thread, with a reasonable questions and answers about equipment. Like it or not, the equipment is necessary for the sound we want, until we can all sing and play like every artist we admire. Lets enjoy reading the listings of all the components everyone has put together. I have heard systems that were very inexpensive (like Issabre), that made you want to sit and enjoy the music all night. I have heard systems at the Consumer Electronic Show that cost more than my house, and I would not enter the room, as I was disgusted from the hallway. This site is and should always be about learning from each other. Anything in my system that works well, I took from somewhere else! Sharing is part of the art of this hobby, lets share ideas, stand firm for what we believe in, explain and educate why you believe it is the truth, and bring ourself and others up in the process. Everyone has important things to offer. How many times has a stranger come and listened (or your own child?) and offered a tidbit that caused you to re evaluate what you have done. The bottom line is, no person has all the answers, the more we know, the better shot we've got at making it will never be perfect, but trying is (or at least should be) fun.