The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,
The best system I have ever built is the one I am building now. It may be considered modest by some, but I love it and I think it sounds really good in my room - which is the typical American Family Room - 13'6" x 19'. The system is used to play both 2-channel stereo and 5.1 channel DVD Audio and DVD Video. The front speakers are Thiel 2.3 which I bought as demos off the showroom floor. The center channel is the Thiel MCS-1. The suurounds are junk at present, but will soon be replaced by Thiel Poweer Points mounted in the ceiling. This is the only possible location for the surrounds which the CDO (Chief Domestic Officer, i.e., wife) will go for. The amplifer is the Aragon 8008x5, rated at 200 wpc. The preamp surround processor is the Aragon Stage One. The front end is the Denon DVD-1600 DVD/Cd player. I also have an old Pioneer CLD 2090 Laserdisc player connected because I have a modest number of LDs which I love. And a Sony VCR. Routine TV watching is through a DBS satellite with Directv and the Samsung SIR-TS160 HDTV/Directv receiver. The monitor is the Panasonic TH-50PHD5UY plasma display. The HDTV picture displayed on the 50" plasma screen will blow you away to use a cliche. It is unbelievable and I cannot tear myself away from TV shows that I would otherwise probably not watch. AC line conditioning is via the Monster Cable HTS-5000. Finally cables are Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway Mk II interconnects and Harmonic Technology Pro-9 Plus on the front, QED Genesis Silver Spiral for the center channel, and junk for the current surrounds. Lastly, I have isolated the amplifier on a 22" x 26" piece of black granite with Perfect Sound Isolation Cones and Discs. I will also put the granite and cones under the DVD player. I also enjoy FM radio and have installed the Fanfare FM-2G antenna which really works.

I enjoy this system very much - a progressive scan DVD such as "Saving Private Ryan" or "Titanic" on the plasma screnn with even the modest surround system is stunning.

pioneer 1250, JBL 100, technics turntable,akai 760., and still works till this day. What a sound. What a time for starting out in hi end. have spent ten times the money, trying to come closer,and have improve the sound. But after spending fifty thuosand, that was the best system I ever built.
This is a silly response.

One day my wife moved my EAR 834P Phono Pre onto the window ledge. That afternoon I came home early and put on Stanley Jordan [Gyrodec/Zeta/Zyx1000]. I could not believe my ears. The sound was heavenly. My Proac Responce 2 never sounded better.

When I went to change sides, I put my hand on top of the 834P. To say it was hot would be an understatement. The sun had been baking it all day. It was scorching. I quickly unscrewed the top, let it cool, and put on the other side of the record. OPPS.The magic was gone, but the memory remains.
I can see the audiophile product now--"Baker's Racks"! Equipment stands with built-in heating coils above and below to cook your equipment to its optimum temperature! Deluxe model has doors which fold down (recycled ovens, of course).
Hey Guys

My system for the since 1978 is a pair of Bozak Symphonies (need to find some Concert Grands and use the Sym for back-ups), Mcintosh MC2125 amp, MC-27 pre-amp, Yamaha DSP100 sound processer, Transparent Ultra speaker cables, and a Mcintosh MCD7009 CD player.

System has been great but now going to upgrade to better pieces but have loved what i have had for years.

Thanks for reading