WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips

WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips has anyone tried these?

I have tried the fuse chips and I am quite impressed! How the ... ???

So, I went ahead and ordered chips for speakers,cables,and transformer chips. I also purchased a few more fuse chips to try on circuit breakers / outlets.
Heck, I may even try some of them on my Synergistic powercell.
Luckly they come with a 30 day return.

I have read Norm's positive review on Stereo Times.

Just wondering if anyone else has tried these.
Well I placed the "Power chip" on the side of the Main Power Breaker.
Is that The best place?
I wonder if it needs to be touching metal such as on the circuit breaker box...
Those of you with the power chip, your advise is appreciated.
Ozzy, I have two Power Chips. One has been outstanding on my new HB Cable Designs PowerSlave power strip at the IEC plug. I have tried three positions on my power panel without being at all satisfied. Mine in inserted into the wall. I have tried inside on the top, on the particular breakers, and under them in the unused area. I have also tried it on the wall outlet.

The one on the power strip is so musical, real, dynamic, and sweet that I am most satisfied to just use it. This maybe the most effective Chip. Of course, I have not removed the others, so it maybe just the final brick in the wall.

I have continually found these WAQuantum Chips breakin. Initially the bass is boomy and ill defined and the top end is just not there. Three hours later they are much better and two days later, divine.
Davidpritchard, your experience with instruments means that it is vibrations that are being effected not electrons. I had an experience in NM that suggests otherwise. I had put one of the ic Chips on and enjoyed the improvement. Later that evening while still enjoying the sound, I noticed that the chip on one ic was just hanging from one corner. As the sound was not affected, I assume this meant some non-vibration impact. But on speakers I have found that scotch tape is inadequate for attachment. The Chip needs to be directly attached. Finally, the new Power Chip just sitting on my HB power strip has a big effect. I have yet to directly attach the Chip.

Sgordon, I am going to try you outside use of the Power Chip. How do you protect yours from the weather?
Tbg, thanks for the response. I have found that 2 Cable chips on my Circuit breaker seem to add more dynamics, but I couldn't discern any change with just the Power chip.
Perhaps, I need to experiment further with its placement.
What a great hobby! One guy does back flips over
something that yields little or no improvement for someone else!

I started with one Power Chip on a Furutech strip,
and really liked it. Adding another Chip to the
breaker box, and another to the cable from the main power box leading into the house, dramatically improved the sound.

I have not found that the Power Chips are very sensitive to placement changes. I have not experienced any break in period. Being in Maryland, where we can get 30+ days of 90 degree weather, I have simply turned the Chip "upside down"
on the outside cable (western exposure), so that it is somewhat shielded from the elements, and faces the ground. I have not noticed any difference in the sound under different weather conditions, like rain.

Then, there is the question, "What to add, or subtract?"
If you are adding a tweak that is making an improvement, is it worthwhile to subtract or take away other things that have been in place, and have been working well? Conversely, if you are adding something and not really experiencing a positive result, does it make sense to remove the tweaks that are already in place?

At least with friends or family members at a holiday gathering, you might have an idea of who mixes well with others. (And who doesn't!) In the audio world, an open
mind, and open ears, are your best allies... agreed?