Maryland,Wash.DC Metro area

Would like to start a club, or a small group of audiophiles, whereby we can network and share experiences about our favorite neurotic passtime.
Yes, we're not having an audiophile club

But a Music Club instead, that puts on/sponsors live music events, record shows and acts as a music/equipment exchange for members and maybe have a facet deal with audio/Home Theater.

I'd like to thank the two individuals who showed interest in the audiophile club I owe one of you an email, but the 130+ people who responded to a similar post on putting on private music shows seemed like a more enthusiastic bunch.

And 133 to 2, I said early participants would shape the club and its going to be a music club.

I will disclose details on the club here for those who are interested. There will be a website, all is not lost for audiophiles, as a fair amount of respondees wanted to record the events and were interested in audio equipment.

Thank you.
I apologize for not attending the June 7 meeting. I was primarily interested in an audiophile club but a music club like described may be even better - after all, it's the music that drives our passion for the hi-fi hobby - isn't it? Did you notice that there's a number of folks posting messages about forming a club under the Audio Club listing: Washington, D.C. Wonder if they've seen this series of threads...? Let us know what the website is for the new music club. looking forward to particpating and supporting good sounds. JS
I'm in NOVA. Did anything ever get off the ground here? I see that the thread goes back to '01. I'm game to hear from others to try to pull something together.


I live in woodbridge and would be interested in the Audiophile meeting. Can someone shoot me an e-mail ( about when the next get-together will be?



I live about 15 minutes outside of DC and would really be interest in joining a club. My only question you accept members with little to no experience? I'm just starting out and everyone I've come in contact with haven't exactly been the most supportive. Snobbish comes to mind!

Is it OK?

Let me know!