Budget phono stage- advice appreciated

I would appreciate any opinions/advice you may have. I need to add an outboard phono stage to my home office system. The system as is stands right now: Audio Refinement Complete Integrated, Magnum Dynalab tuner, Oracle Alexandria/Sumiko/Grado Platinum, NAD Reference Series CD Player, Totem Rokk speakers. I considered adding the NAD PP-1 phono stage, but my local NAD dealer tells me it's barely adequate, he recommended the Creek OBH-8. I've read mixed reviews on the Creek. I don't want to spend a lot of money on the phono stage, it's really casual listening while I work. Ideas? Thanks, Jeff
I think the NAD is outstanding. It holds up to some of the best. The design is excellent. Curt
I second the recommendation for the Lehmann Black Cube. It's worth the $695 retail, but it's REALLY worth $400-$450. It may not be perfect, but it can't be beat for the price. I haven't heard the NAD or the Creek.
Jeff, You have a pretty good office system.I admire you for having a Turntable there.YEA!! GO ANALOG!! Spend a bit more on the Cube,your system deserves it.
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer. $400 is a little more than I'd prefer to spend, but, my vinyl deserves a good step-up. Perhaps once I sell my Audio Research SP9 II pre-amp, I'll go fer it. David, yeah, can't shake my love of analog, I'm used to my Oracle Delphi IV/SME/Grado Reference in my main rig and I'll be damned if I'm forced to live exclusively with them shiny little discs whilst I toil away. Again, thanks guys...Jeff
If you want to keep well below $400, I'd recommend Parasound's phono preamp, MM or MC, for not much over $100 new, under $100 used if you can find one. (A "Wanted to Buy" ad might get one out of the woodwork.) I have one in a dining room system and am quite pleased with it.