Budget phono stage- advice appreciated

I would appreciate any opinions/advice you may have. I need to add an outboard phono stage to my home office system. The system as is stands right now: Audio Refinement Complete Integrated, Magnum Dynalab tuner, Oracle Alexandria/Sumiko/Grado Platinum, NAD Reference Series CD Player, Totem Rokk speakers. I considered adding the NAD PP-1 phono stage, but my local NAD dealer tells me it's barely adequate, he recommended the Creek OBH-8. I've read mixed reviews on the Creek. I don't want to spend a lot of money on the phono stage, it's really casual listening while I work. Ideas? Thanks, Jeff
Try the Rotel RQ-970. Handles both MM and MC Cartridges. Got a good review in Stereophile a while back. Retail list is $200. I've seen it used from $100 to $140 I used to have one and was very pleased for the money spent. Sorry for you, but I sold it already.
I have the Creek OBh-8, and it works and sounds just dandy to me. For the price you can't beat it. Good Luck! Jeff
I have the same question as Jeffloistarca. Has anyone tried the McCormack phono stage? List $600 but you can get a used for half-off. Any good for a budget-size analog system with a cheaper Signet MC cartridge? My trusted dealer also recommended the Lehman, but I couldn't see spending $700 (new) which is about the total cost of my lower-end T-table & cart. already. The $100/$200 models seem just a little too inexpensive-sounding (get what you pay for) but I'm probably wrong?
Hi Jeff, news from the land of the cube (that is Germany): I´m using the cube and it´s fabulous. I maybe drop it only because I will get a Klyne PX2.5 soon. But man, try it - you will not regret it! And if I will keep the Klyne (I´ll probably do that) I might sell mine. Try to find out wether the PSU can be easily adjusted to 110 volts (check under lehmannaudio.de/entec/ - Mr. Lehmann is always helpful!). If you can, that might be the ticket, because I could sell mine for under $400. Anyway, whatever you do try to get a hold on this wonderful little amp, you´d regret it if you wouldn´t. Best wishes from Chris
ok - shameless plug: i have a musical surroundings phonomena, only ~2.5 months old, for sale; i'm asking $450. i bought it from audio outlet, ny - they recommended it over the black cube, which they also carry - said the phonomena was *much* nicer. i'm only selling cuz i got a *steal* on a ~$1900 pentagon p-3 - couldn't pass it up! ;~) if ya don't wanna spend that much money, check out the acurus p-10; i recently had a conversation w/a guy who said it was much better than the black cube - he had both in his system, & returned the cube. i tink there's one on ebay rite now...