Receiver-- good stereo sound quality

I am looking for a receiver (about US$800) with outstanding two stereo sound quality( 80% music, 20% HT), grateful if anyone offer valuable suggestion
I bought a Denon 2800 listing at $800, for HT use only but was pleasantly surprised at it's ability to play music. I now use it for music when serious listening is'nt on the menu and find it to very satisfying.
You're not going to find a good audiophile receiver for that price. B&K make a nice Stereo A/V peamp for 2 channel applications, the PT 3 you may consider inthat price range. For a little more money the B&K AVR series. I've seen a few used ones on ebay and here. Best DC
Huijames You have my sympathy. You ask a simple question and get 9 different answers. Now what does that tell you? It tells me this. You need to make a short list of some of the above. If there is a dealer close by go and listen. After listening YOU make a decision based on your criteria. You really aren't going to get "outstanding" 2 channel sound from a 800.00 receiver but it may be good enough for you. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. That said I always found NAD gear in your price range very good indeed and would definitely include it in your short list. Good luck in your journey.
NAD 760 sounds excellent in stereo..a couple of notches above some more expensive Marantz gear I demoed it against. Better seperation. Lame remote but take the money you saved on your Receiver and buy yourself a Pronto from Phillips and you will be grinning large