Preamp new/used under $900

Hey...I have a Rotel 971, NAD 314 (used as a pre), Classe Audio Seventy, and a pair of Hales Rev. twos. I don't want a pre that is warm, soft or laidback sounding. I would like the system to stay neutral erring on the side of cool. A pre that can help resolve very dense/processed electric guitar like Ministry would be super cool. Right now the dense music sounds a little mushy. right now im dense and little mushy too. A big soundstage is also a priority, but im not sure if preamps in this price range will vary much in that respect. Thanx tired and hope at least half of the sentences make sense.
A Classe Audio Model Four would probably work well with your Classe Amp. The Model Four is a little more revealing and neutral than the DR-4. These are well made units and should be available on the used market in your price range.
You should be able to buy a used BAT 3ki for about that price. I like mine. Reviewers have said it it neutral to a very slight shade dark (don't think tht is the same as cool, but definately not bright). Make sure it was built as a 3i, not an upgraded 3 cause if it isn't I don't think it will have any single-ended (RCA) inputs.
I found an Audio Research LS-9 on this site and paid $825. This is a wonderful (solid state) unit I use with my VT-100. It has remote volume and function controls and a set of balanced "bypass" inputs and balanced outputs as well. Good stuff...