Preamp new/used under $900

Hey...I have a Rotel 971, NAD 314 (used as a pre), Classe Audio Seventy, and a pair of Hales Rev. twos. I don't want a pre that is warm, soft or laidback sounding. I would like the system to stay neutral erring on the side of cool. A pre that can help resolve very dense/processed electric guitar like Ministry would be super cool. Right now the dense music sounds a little mushy. right now im dense and little mushy too. A big soundstage is also a priority, but im not sure if preamps in this price range will vary much in that respect. Thanx tired and hope at least half of the sentences make sense.
You should be able to buy a used BAT 3ki for about that price. I like mine. Reviewers have said it it neutral to a very slight shade dark (don't think tht is the same as cool, but definately not bright). Make sure it was built as a 3i, not an upgraded 3 cause if it isn't I don't think it will have any single-ended (RCA) inputs.
I found an Audio Research LS-9 on this site and paid $825. This is a wonderful (solid state) unit I use with my VT-100. It has remote volume and function controls and a set of balanced "bypass" inputs and balanced outputs as well. Good stuff...
You should definitely include the Adcom GFP-750 to your list. It retails for $1250 and can usually be bought on this site for around $800. This preamp is very neutral, and is "Class A" rated by Sterepiles, and has received uniformly excellent reviews from a number of audio review mags. The reputation is well deserved.
EAR 834 linestage...$700-$850 used for the chrome version which is heavier, more substantial in construction and sounds better than the black box. NOS RCAs or Philips 12AU7s and this is a great sounding piece.