Pre/Pro for $2K to the site, first time posting. I'm upgrading from a Yamaha pro logic receiver and am having trouble deciding among the B&K Ref 20, Acurus ACT-3, or the Marantz AV-9000. (I'm leaning toward the Acurus as I've heard they've corrected the "hum" problem). I'd like to keep it under $2K but could sacrifice and add a few hundred for great value. (B&K Ref 30?). I'm primarily a music (jazz, reggae, & R&B) listner, but enjoy high impact movies. My system consists of the Adcom GFA6000 5-channel amp, B&W DM604 3-way floor standing mains, Boston center channel and remotes, and a Paradigm PS-1200 sub. Any advice would be appreciated. Also, any suggestions on good but inexpensive ($50 - $60) interconnects would be a tremendous help. THANKS!!!
At anywhere from $1k-$1200, the Ref 20 is the best deal going. Excellent performance, upgradeable, features most of what's even available in todays processing. You can't beat the performance for the price!

Interconnects. Buy yourself some used AudioQuests and be done with it.

You are better off buying a Sonic Frontiers Line 1 with processor with pass feature-$1500 and a HT reciever; I got a Denon 3300 from an internet seller for $565. Your two channel sound will be far better than any prepro.
I agree with Jsbail, The two channel performance from a pre/pro in this price range will not measure up. My husband and I use the Adcom 750/5802 combo with a Yamaha HT rec. with far better results when compared to sending our Sonic Frontiers digital front end through the reciever.