Would love opinions on my HT puzzle

I'm a new member and I want to say that I love this forum! All you folks out there seem very passonate about this community! Glad to be a member now...

OK, I have recently started to build my HT system... The first component was the addition of the Krell HTSII. I also just picked up a used Aerial CC3 for my center speaker. I am currently running an Aragon 4004 with Thiel CS3.5 speakers. They are the only components that I'm even considering keeping while I build the HT system. My goal is to buy as many "great" components online as I reasonably can, obviously for the cost saving benefits... I also would like to build over time, so I want to my smart acquisitions that give me the most flexibility too!

Here's my plan so far

Krell KAV 200a/5 and get rid of the Aragon or
Krell KAV 3250a/3 and use the Aragon for front or rear depending on speaker selection

Speakers: (If I go this way, considering using the Thiels for rear) Budget is < $5,000 new or used
Aerial 10t or
B&W Nautilus 803 or
Dynaudio Contour 3.3 or
Dynaudio Confidence 3 or
Aerial SR3 for rear and keep the Thiels for the front for now

Subwoofer: Budget is < $2,000 new or used
Revel B15 or

Pioneer Elite DV-37

I think that the speaker decission will drive the direction on amp options. I'd love some input from this forum! Thanks.
I would recommend that you try to match all five speakers with the same brand. I went with five Thiels and am very happy. My components, amps, sub-woofer and cabling all fell into place based on my speaker selection.
Glen is right...... It really makes the sound "seamless" when the speakers are well matched. This usually means all from the same manufacturer. good luck
I agree, thanks guys... I've auditioned the Dynaudio 3.3s but not the 10Ts... I will try and do so soon, but until then, any thoughts between the two? Both are in the same price category.
Welcome Patricksweeney;glad to have you on board.--Now knock it off with the questions!!-- Go to your online psychic--Hey she probably already knows you are about to call!!

Of most importance;the front 3 should all have the same voicing, for a smoother across the front transition. I had the 10's before I got my cc3; it "do" make it better.The rears can be compromised,till you can work things out.