Leave it on or turn it off?

I have a Classe CA-301 amp. When I leave it on 24/7 it gets very very hot(SPACE HEATER). If I only turn it on when I'm listening to music it stays quite a bit cooler. What are the long term advantages to just leaving it on?(If any) Thanks in advance.
I have a pair of Bryston 4B ST amps. Should I leave them on 7/24 or not?

Best regards-Henry
I leave my Classe CA200 on all the time. I do feel a little guilty about the waste of electricity. Does anyone know how to figure out how much electricity my amp uses in idle?
You need to get an amp meter hooked up to the hot wire on that particular circuit. I am an electrician and am thinking about running that test myself. I will report the results and post the formula for calculating power consumption if I can get around to it this weekend. Does your Classe manual say 300 hrs warm up time?
Thanks Glen, My Classe manual makes no mention of warm up or break-in time. I will look for your test results. Jon