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How would one select components to begin a new 2 channel system. Do i start with speakers, amps, preamps, or transport. Lets say i start with speakers, how do i now which amp to use. Is it possible for me to miss the perfect combo if i dont audition them all. There are just too many variables. lets say i had 5 choices for each category, that easily over 100 combinations. To narrow it down and to let you guys help me with suggestions i am currently looking on how to spend $900 on used market for the complete system for my apartment. A cd player will be my only source, so i favor amps with volume controls. Please help. Bye the way i live in Birmingham, AL, there aren't much auditioning options available here.
What kind of music do you listen to ? Size and shape of room ? Volume level that you like to listen at ? Do you ever plan on adding sources such as a tuner, tape, TT, etc... ? Any size or placement constraints on speakers ? Sean
If I had $900 to spend used. Cambridge Audio D500 CD Player +/- $250. B&W DM301 +/- $175; Integrated Amp choose either Cambridge Audio A3i, NAD C320, Rotel RA970 +/- $250; (We are up to $675.) Onkyo Integra Tuner (T4015/T4017/T4057) $50; MIT Terminator 3 Speaker Cables $75; Nordost Solar Wind Interconnect for CD player $75; Straightwire Chorus cable for tuner %25.. Total $900 probably +/- $50.
Good call Sugarbrie. I was thinking either b&w, nht or the paradigm. But b&w is probably the best bet. As far as were to start I guess that is personnel preference. I start with speakers myself, spending as much as I can on the speakers and upgrading as the cash comes in. Good luck Pete
CORRECTION: The B&W speakers are DM302 (not 301). You could also opt for the Cambridge Audio CD-4SE the D500 replaced.
I agree with joysjane that you will get many good recommendations from knowledgeable people on this site. Sugarbrie has made a good call. You also may consider the Sherwood Newcastle cd-980 for a cdp. It has dual 20 bit Burr-Brown dacs and can be had on the used market for $175-$225. There is none listed on Agon or Ebay right now but one may come up soon. Just another alternative. Good luck