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How would one select components to begin a new 2 channel system. Do i start with speakers, amps, preamps, or transport. Lets say i start with speakers, how do i now which amp to use. Is it possible for me to miss the perfect combo if i dont audition them all. There are just too many variables. lets say i had 5 choices for each category, that easily over 100 combinations. To narrow it down and to let you guys help me with suggestions i am currently looking on how to spend $900 on used market for the complete system for my apartment. A cd player will be my only source, so i favor amps with volume controls. Please help. Bye the way i live in Birmingham, AL, there aren't much auditioning options available here.
If I had $900 to spend used. Cambridge Audio D500 CD Player +/- $250. B&W DM301 +/- $175; Integrated Amp choose either Cambridge Audio A3i, NAD C320, Rotel RA970 +/- $250; (We are up to $675.) Onkyo Integra Tuner (T4015/T4017/T4057) $50; MIT Terminator 3 Speaker Cables $75; Nordost Solar Wind Interconnect for CD player $75; Straightwire Chorus cable for tuner %25.. Total $900 probably +/- $50.
Good call Sugarbrie. I was thinking either b&w, nht or the paradigm. But b&w is probably the best bet. As far as were to start I guess that is personnel preference. I start with speakers myself, spending as much as I can on the speakers and upgrading as the cash comes in. Good luck Pete
CORRECTION: The B&W speakers are DM302 (not 301). You could also opt for the Cambridge Audio CD-4SE the D500 replaced.
I agree with joysjane that you will get many good recommendations from knowledgeable people on this site. Sugarbrie has made a good call. You also may consider the Sherwood Newcastle cd-980 for a cdp. It has dual 20 bit Burr-Brown dacs and can be had on the used market for $175-$225. There is none listed on Agon or Ebay right now but one may come up soon. Just another alternative. Good luck
Very interesting posts and well thought out. I've always believed in starting with the source first, get the source right and follow it down through the chain to the speakers. The old garbage-in/garbage out school of thought. Although I haven't heard all of the CD players listed here, the Marantz units are well regarded and reasonably priced and would likely be a logical candidate. I have used Cambridge CDP's in the past, but had a lemon so I won't comment one way or another on the Cambridge; many others have had great success with Cambridge Audio. Plenty of CDP's to consider...As for amplification, I'm a NAD fan in that price range(a NAD3020 integrated @ $200 should be considered) although you may consider a used Creek or Rotel as well. Is a tuner section important to you? If so you need a receiver rather than a integrated amp, perhaps a used NAD7250 (I picked up one for $175 on eBay)? I agree with Tom, I've yet to find a better budget speaker than the B&W DM302. To summarize, $250 per component, and leaves you a few bucks for stands and wire. Welcome to quality audio! Jeff