loose tubes

qustions on a tube int amp anthem int 1, if i take the tube up a bit from there sockets so there not sitting in all the way the sound becomes a heck of a lot better in every way , will this hurt anything cause it does sound that much better thank you
Thanks Detlof. No hurry though as I just had my amp spec'd and cleaned and will wait until further maintenance is required before considering changing the tube sockets. The materials used are new to me for this application and I will go to the site when AOL is not bogged down as much as it is right now. I believe that Percy also sells Sorbothane which I need for an upcoming project.
Be advised that changing tube sockets isn't anything like changing a capacitor. On 9 pin, all nine pins have wires soldered, some of them have multiple wires and/or resistors. Then you have to get in there with a probe from your meter while it's powered up. Let me get my dictionary and make sure I spell 'lethal voltages present' correctly.
Yes, they carry orothane stuff ans Kitch, you sure know how to spell!!
Yes, they carry sorbothane stuff and Kitch, you sure know how to spell!!