this should open the floodgates: BEST home theater

I'm an architect that has been contracted to design a world-class home theater (for a cost-no-object client).. the room is roughly 20'x32'.
As an audio enthusiast, I have some ideas about speakers and amplification...
But this note is for the videophiles out there.
I was just at CES and thought Faroudja was the hands-down winner on projection..(perhaps I'm wrong),
but I need some thoughts on processors and video front end...
Any ideas would be very welcome... thanks.
If the goal is to acheive the highest quality video, a 9 inch CRT projector such as the Sony VPH-G90 with a Faroudja DVP5000 processor will give you stellar results on an 8 foot wide or less screen. If size matters more than quality, a digital projector is the answer. is where you will all the projector info you want
I must laugh at this one!
Even though, with all due respect, you are an architect(presumably by trade) as you are stating, asking for some input from people on an audio forum website will not get you the information you need to give your client anything remotely approaching WORLD CLASS HOME THEATER!...sorry to be the one to break it to you dude. (AND CERTAINLY NO OFFENSE OR IMPLICATION OF THE KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE, OR QUALITY PERTAINING TO ANYONE POSTING HERE OR SIMILAR!)
I say that not as being snooty, arrogant, or confrontational, not at all! I say that as someone who's been an exotic custom home theater designer, die-hard audiophile, consumate audio/video tweek and hobbiest, high end AV salesman, acoustical engineer, and just plain been around this stuff since AV began!!!
Basically, you can't put it all together in any kind of timely manner to possibly get your man the goods here..if you do sincerely value his money, time, experience, and results that is!
What it respectfully sounds like you're asking, is akin to asking a few people who've seen a transmission out of a car for information on how to build one yourself! I think you're expectations might be a bit lofty! And that's not insulting anyone here. And maybe my analogy is a bit off, but I think you get the picture.
My advice is to consult proffesionals who actually know what it takes to design/engineer/build/install/calibrate/oversee a competent project such as your suggesting, and contract the work out!...or at the very least strongly consider consulting extensively! Just makes plain sense to me.
You simply will not be able to accertain and obsorb all that is necessary here. It takes years, dedication, knowlede, experience, and commitment to excellence to get what you're asking.
May I strongly suggest your clients interests here over a monetary opportunity to "make the most of it going at it alone!"...not the best situation I think. I'm sure you're client would agree.